
Showing posts from October, 2017

Project 1: Day 5

At this point I have painted out what I feel is the basic idea to refine until it is detailed correctly and hopefully understood. I have added the clouds and I decided to stay without the sun to keep the mood darker still. I added a person to the top and redesigned the machine adding a lever and a shape that shows food leading towards the cow being given as much food as we want and being extremely constrictive against all different kinds of people all over the world. I have added the hands of different colors to show the different people and that they are all reaching for food and begging but the person at the top is looking the other way to not even mind them at all and to focus on the cows so that he can eat better.

Project 1: Day 4

As I kept painting I ended up covering over and changing a lot of the piece to try and help make it more clear and smooth. I added the cow and changed the design of the machine that is thereto show the flow of food production and the control that people have over it. I removed the stars to kind of redo them and make them more clear and to play around with them to show maybe another meaning in the piece. I want to add clouds to the day side but I don't think that I want to add a sun to kind of keep the mood kind of darker and not to add too much light and focus to that side. I need to line of the day and night cycle bases on the focus I think I want to make it further on top and the further on the bottom so that It really portrays a cycle.

Project 1: Day 3

This is the start of my product. I sketched out on paper something that I felt portrays what it needs to for my topic and began to paint to see where it would take me. I started out by making the background as a day and night to help show that this is a cycle that repeats just like how everyday the sun comes up. Then I started to make a machine and what I want this to be is I want a person to be on top kind of controlling it with food flowing through it. On the right I have a space for hands I want to have three hands that are all of different colors to show that the world is full of this issue everywhere. The left has a space for a cows mouth I decided to stick with one cow to show the idea that there are a lot more people in the world to feed than there are cows and yet we still put a lot of focus and resources into them.

Project 1: Day 2

These are my sketches leading into my final decision for the product that am going to actually get into. I decided to work with paint on canvas because this kind of idea to me feels like it should be on a painting and thats what I want to see it on. I think I know what I need just a few more sketches to make the decision of the ones that I have to put into the final product.

Project 1: Day 1

I found a bunch of images to help me sketch out my ideas so that I can put them together. These are just a few of them. I now have my sketched out ideas that may or may not make it into the final. I have talked to people to gather different pieces so that I can put everything together in an understanding way for the viewer. My plan is to continue sketching over and over till I get just what I want and what I feel will be clear but also be creative at the same time to portray these issues. I plan to in the next day or two have the style of art I want to put this into wether it be in paint, ink or maybe something like charcoal.

Mind Mapped Thoughts

I started with overpopulation as my topic and as i researched it and pulled things apart I decided to work with hunger as my topic. Seeing as this planet is more than capable of feeding the ones that are living here now we just handle things poorly. Like feeding our animals like cows lots of grains and corn so that they can be killed and eaten by wealthy people instead of using it to feed those who don't have any food. I want to show through paintings some of the causes and effects of hunger on people as a whole in this planet.

Artist Statement

I want to put my focus into Ecology and Environment. I want to show a lot of the different ideas and and problems that occur in todays society when it comes to how we as people interact with the environment and also how animals react with each other and rely on each other. One focus that I want to have is on the things people do to try and control how the world and nature works instead of just letting it do what it was made to do. There are some groups of people that see these things but a lot of them do not care and just want to eat whatever and enjoy what they want fast and cheap. No matter the cost to the environment and how that effects not just the animals and plants but also other people around the world.